Guatemala Artisan Handmade Products — Ethical Fashion Guatemala

Ethical Fashion Guatemala
3 min readAug 25, 2022

Guatemala Artisan Handmade Products

Ethical Fashion in Guatemala: Empowering Guatemalan Women Artisans

Guatemalan Artisan Products are one-of-a-kind handcrafted, organic, and natural products such as purses, bags, shawls, scarves, huipiles, serapes, tablecloths, placemats, backpacks, and bedspreads.

How does this artisan-owned website help with economic development for the artisans?

“The artisans have limited Internet access, but they follow the U.S. every day online,” explains Dillon.

“They have no website development skills or even the cash to have a website of their own; no Paypal, no credit cards, and the Guatemalan postal service — the only means they did have to ship products — collapsed two years ago.”

Guatemala Artisan Handmade Products.

How They are Made.

The weavers start with cotton; white and brown raw cotton.

The cotton is hand spun and then dyed using roots, bark, herbs, and other plant-based products.

The dyed cotton is then colored.

This prevents the textiles from running when washed or fading.

Guatemala Artisan Handmade Products

Ethical Fashion in Guatemala

Ethical comes from the Greek ethos, “ moral character,” and describes a person or behavior as right in the moral sense-truthful, fair, and honest… Sometimes the word is used for people who follow the moral standards of their profession.

The term is thrown around a lot these days

. People do not buy goods and services.
They buy relations, stories, and magic. “
Seth Godin

Ethical Fashion in Guatemala

Guatemala Artisan Handmade Products

Ethical Fashion in Guatemala

The tools Ethical Fashion Guatemala provides Central American artisans with access to services needed to compete in the global economy: marketing services, e-commerce, banking, and DHL services.

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Ethical Fashion Guatemala

Ethical Fashion Guatemala LLC empowers local craftspeople to earn a living while preserving their cultural heritage