Guatemala Mayan Herbal Medicine | Ethical Fashion Guatemala
Guatemala Mayan Herbal Medicine has a long history and is deeply rooted in the traditional healing practices of the indigenous Mayan people of Guatemala.
The Mayans have a rich understanding of the medicinal properties of various plants and have been using them for centuries to treat various ailments and promote overall well-being.
Here is a list of some plants commonly used in Guatemala Mayan herbal medicine:
- Ixbut (Piscidia piscipula): Used to treat insomnia, anxiety, and nervous disorders.
- Maxcan (Capsicum annuum): Used as a pain reliever, particularly for headaches and muscle aches.
- Nance (Byrsonima crassifolia): Used for digestive issues, such as indigestion and diarrhea.
- Palo de Pito (Cochlospermum vitifolium): Used for its anti-inflammatory properties and to treat skin conditions.
- Pacaya (Chamaedorea tepejilote): Used to treat urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and high blood pressure.
- Yerbabuena (Mentha spicata): Used for digestive disorders, respiratory issues, and as a general tonic.
- Zarza (Rubus spp.): Used for its astringent and diuretic properties to treat urinary tract infections and gastrointestinal disorders.
- Palo Mulato (Capparis odoratissima): Used as a pain reliever, particularly for toothaches and sore muscles.
- Ajenjo (Artemisia absinthium): Used as a digestive aid and to treat intestinal parasites.
- Macal (Swietenia macrophylla): Used for its antimicrobial properties and to support cardiovascular health.
- Tila (Tilia spp.): Used for its calming properties to relieve anxiety, stress, and promote sleep.
- Pixoy (Guazuma ulmifolia): Used for its expectorant properties to treat respiratory conditions such as coughs and bronchitis.
- Chichicaste (Caesalpinia coriaria): Used as an astringent and anti-inflammatory to treat diarrhea and skin conditions.
- Chichipince (Bourreria cassinifolia): Used for its diuretic properties to treat urinary tract infections and kidney problems.
- Sacate de Venado (Cyperus rotundus): Used for its analgesic properties to alleviate pain, particularly headaches and menstrual cramps.
These are just a few examples, and there are many more plants used in Mayan herbal medicine. It’s important to remember that the preparation and use of these plants can vary, and it’s advisable to consult with a trained herbalist or traditional healer before using them for therapeutic purposes.
Originally published at on June 13, 2023.