MYDHL Central America
MYDHL Central America Express Delivery Services & International Shipping
When you ship with MYDHL Central America Express — you’re shipping with specialists in international shipping and courier delivery services!
With our wide range of express parcel and package services, along with shipping and tracking solutions to fit your needs.
Ethical Fashion Guatemala Small Business Owners, have increased sales and continue growth exporting their products worldwide.
While the COVID Pandemic remains, during the months of Borders closures and in-country travel restrictions, MYDHL Central America continued servicing our clients.
MYDHL Central America Business partnership with Ethical Fashion Guatemala a Guatemala SA, Carlos Tzul is the executive director.
Carlos’ family roots in Guatemala include Atanasio Tzul, who was a Guatemalan indigenous leader, who defeated the Spanish power of the town and imposed for twenty-nine days self-government in the region known as Totonicapán en the Kingdom of Guatemala